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Progetto ECOSS

Dieci istituzioni Italiane e Croate collaborano al progetto per realizzare, in modo congiunto, l'Osservatorio Ecologico ECOAdS nel Mar Adriatico. Nel percorso di costruzione di EcoAdS verranno integrate la ricerca oceanografica ed ecologica,  le attività di monitoraggio e le strategie di conservazione, con l'obiettivo di contribuire alla salvaguardia degli habitat e delle specie marine nei siti Natura 2000 in Adriatico.


Programme: INTERREG Italy-Croatia

Project title: ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity

Acronym: ECOSS

Duration: 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2021

EU contribution: 2.881.968

Po Delta Park budget: 117.00,00

Web site: www.italy-croatia.eu/web/ecoss

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ECOSSproject

ECOSS overall objective is the establishment of the ECOlogical observing system in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), shared between Italy and Croatia, able to integrate ecological and oceanographic research and monitoring with Natura 2000 conservation strategies. Building on the facilities, infrastructures and long term ecological data existing in the Programme area and developing specific case studies, ECOSS will enhance the marine observational capacities for improving the conservation status and the expansion of the marine component of Natura 2000 network. The synergies and feedbacks among the main conservation management questions, ecological variables and key oceanographic processes will be assessed, basing on the connectivity among habitats and species in coastal and offshore waters. For the first time in the area, the holistic view of marine ecosystem health, at the base of the MSFD, will be merged with the traditional nature conservation approach, evidencing and developing the interconnections and synergies among the MSFD and H&BD. ECOSS will activate, develop and stabilize a process of Public Engagement so that all the societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, third sector organizations, etc.) work together during the whole process in order to better align the project outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. ECOSS will develop, building on the existing ICT facilities, a robust data management infrastructure, following the principles of open science, facilitating access to the results and maximizing the re-use and the transferability of project outputs.

Contact persons:
Marco Gottardi pianificazione@parcodeltapo.org
Roberta De Faveri robertadefaveri@parcodeltapo.org


  1. National Research Council, Institute of Marine Sciences- CNR ISMAR  - Lead Partner (Venice and Bologna)
  2. National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS (Trieste)
  3. Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy in Emilia Romagna (Bologna)
  4. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Split)
  5. Po Delta Veneto Regional Park (Rovigo)
  6. Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (Lošinj)
  7. Public Institution for the Management of Protected  Natural Areas of Dubrovnik Neretva County (Dubrovnik)
  8. Public Institution for the Management of Protected Areas in the County of Split and Dalmatia Sea and Karst (Split)
  9. Shoreline (Trieste)
  10. Department Of Environmental Sciences, Informatics And Statistics, Ca Foscari University Of Venice (Venezia)
Progetto ECOSS
Progetto ECOSS
(foto di: Archivio Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po)
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